Uniting Communities and Guildhouse offer this exciting opportunity for an experienced and engaged artist to undertake a 7-month integrated Artist in Residence position within the flagship U City Building in the Adelaide CBD.
The artist-in-residence will be employed to work across multiple program streams and diverse communities, including the general public. The aim of the artist’s residence is engagement – to navigate and reduce anxiety, loneliness, mental health and physical health issues and improve emotional well-being.
Through a community-engaged approach featuring workshops and public engagements the artist-in-residence will engage and empower diverse community participants to express themselves and be heard through art.
Specifically, the Artist in Residence will:
- Undertake residence in a designated studio space within the flagship U City Building on Franklin St in the Adelaide CBD, 3 days a week for 7 months.
- Deliver a weekly program of workshops for program participants from New ROADS – a therapeutic drug and alcohol service – that encourage exploration of individual creativity and materiality (anticipated to be approx 3 x workshops of 1-1.5 hours each week).
- Over the period, deliver 6 x public engagements for the U City Community/general public utilising the U City ground floor foyer to promote engagement with art.
The residency will commence in November ending June 30, 2021.
This project is centred on community wellbeing and has received funding via the South Australian government’s Wellbeing grant program.
Applications close Monday 9 November, 9am.
Applications open | Wednesday 14 October
Applications close | Monday 9 November, 9am
Start date | end of November 2020
Workshops commence | tbc
End date | June 30 2020
Artist in Residence Position Description
The U City Artist in Residence program is a 3 day a week, 7 month residency based at the U City Building, with the artist salary of $28,000 (including superannuation).
Residency Inclusions
- Accessible studio space including wet area, located at U City Building on Franklin Street
- Invitation to U City events and forums
- Opportunity to be embedded within the U City Community and explore potential for the residency throughout the building, including engagement with the public through workshops
- Opportunity to share artist’s work through digital and other formats
- Professional photographic documentation of at least one of public workshops
Residency Requirements
- It is the expectation of the Artist in Residence to deliver a weekly program of workshops for program participants from New ROADS – a therapeutic drug and alcohol service – that encourage exploration of individual creativity and materiality (anticipated to be approx 3 x workshops of 1-1.5 hours each week).
- The Artist in Residence will deliver 6 x public engagements for the U City Community/general public utilising the U City ground floor foyer to promote engagement with art over the 7 month period.
The Artist in Residency position is open to:
- South Australian professional practicing visual artists, craftspeople and designers
- Artists with a demonstrated interest in community engaged practice
- Artists who hold an active financial Guildhouse membership
- Artists who have current Public Liability insurance
Application Process
Applications to be submitted via the application form above.
- Two page CV – including two referees*
- Artist biography
- Up to 10 images/video of artists work
- A document no longer than 2 pages addressing the following criteria:
- Demonstrated experience in designing and delivering workshops catered to a specific audience.
- Interest and experience in community engagement, particularly working with vulnerable members of the community who may be experiencing displacement, anxiety, loneliness, mental health and physical health issues.
- Demonstrated commitment to wellbeing within your practice.
- Strong communication, interpersonal and project management skills.
Shortlisted candidates will potentially be invited to interview.
* referees will be able to speak to the applicants ability to deliver workshops and be an active member of a community during a residency. Letters of support are not necessary, please provide the email and phone number of referees.
Further Information
For more information please contact Debbie Pryor on debbie.pryor@guildhouse.org.au.
More information about Uniting Communities
Uniting Communities, formerly UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide and the Adelaide Central Mission, has served South Australia since 1901 and was established at Maughan Church.
U City is a mixed-use 20-storey ‘vertical village’, a very first of its kind, bringing together Uniting Communities’ extensive service offering (over 90 services) and specialist disability long-term rental and short-term respite accommodation, commercial and retail spaces. The top six floors are designated for city retirement living.
U City is an energy efficient and environmentally sustainable design. U City is all about community and connection. It offers those who call it home a unique opportunity to engage with others who live, work and visit U City in a range of ways to create a vibrant and inclusive community.
As the first registered charity in Australia to be certified carbon neutral, Uniting Communities are committed to reducing their carbon footprint. The U City development is recognised as one of Australia’s ‘greenest’ buildings by design to date and is predicted to use 45 per cent less energy and 30 per cent less water than comparable new buildings.
A key program area that this residency will be associated with is New ROADS – a therapeutic drug and alcohol service that provides residential, one on one counselling and group support services.
Uniting Communities uses three key strategies to build compassionate communities and great lives: community engagement; quality service delivery; and advocacy.