Pricing: Members: Free / Guests: $15.00
Location: Craftsouth, Level 1, 38 Hindley Street, Adelaide
Presenter: Tamara Winikoff, Executive Director, NAVA
Bookings are no longer available.
Graduate exhibitions are the first ‘15 minutes of fame’ moment for many final year art students. Some of the gallery directors and curators will be trawling around looking for the next Big Thing. If you are super lucky, they may approach you with an offer. But for most emerging artists, the future is likely to be a portfolio of different ways of working in a variety of contexts. The legendary entrepreneurship and adaptability of artists is what will be your greatest asset. Now that there will be no more art school staff setting project deadlines, no more college equipment available, no more lectures to feed you information, no more access to libraries of reference materials, you will be wondering where to next and what choices you have. Score some helpful hints about developing your career in the arts from Tamara Winikoff, the Executive Director of the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA).