Applying for Guildhouse Artistic Programs

Guildhouse Artistic Programs support and promote artists. We offer opportunities for ongoing professional development, engagement with new audiences and an extension to the studio environment. This toolkit will help you in preparing an application for one of our programs and highlight key reflection points.

Where to begin?
Check that you meet the selection criteria and refer to the FAQs. If you need further support with your application, reach out to the Guildhouse contact on the application page. Once you have an understanding of the program and how you would be a suitable candidate, begin your application well in advance. This will allow time for reviewing and editing. To avoid last minute stress and unexpected tech issues, submit your application prior to the due date.

When preparing your application, consider the following:
Why you? Why should you be selected for this opportunity?

Why now? Why should you apply for this opportunity now?

Why this? Why is this opportunity important to you?

What impact? How will this opportunity impact your practice and creative trajectory?

Developing Goals  
Ask yourself: ‘What do I want to learn?’ and ‘How will this opportunity inform my future practice or ambitions?’. Formulate one to three clear and concise goals that are ambitious yet achievable. The goals must be relevant to the development of your creative practice. Steer away from broad projects, as the goals need to be attainable within the opportunity’s parameters. Consider your goals’ feasibility so you can set yourself up for a positive experience. Can your proposal and the program’s resources achieve your goals?  Why are these goals important to your practice now?

Why this Program? 
Consider the type of program (e.g. mentorship, residency) and why this is valuable to you.

If it’s a mentorship, consider why having a mentor at this point in your practice will aid professional development. Refer to this toolkit for further considerations on mentorships.

If it’s a residency and there is opportunity for collaboration and inter-disciplinary learning, reflect on why this is important to you.

Developing a Timeline
Depending on the type of program, a timeline may be required. Timelines are a key aspect of the application and should highlight the milestones and important dates. Your timeline needs to be realistic and convince assessors that you can deliver on your goals. Make sure the timeline is practical rather than aspirational. Set out a plan and then identify what is feasible. Adjust your goals where necessary and format your timeline in a succinct list or table.

Developing a Budget
Depending on the type of program, a timeline may be required. A realistic budget is a critical part of any application, and explains a project’s income and expenses. It demonstrates where income is expected to come from and how funds are anticipated to be used. For support with budgets, visit this toolkit.

Artist statement
Refer to this toolkit for support with writing your artist statement.

Refer to this toolkit for support with writing your CV.

Developing Support Material  
Images are often one of the first aspects of applications viewed by assessors, so it’s important your work is represented in the best light possible. For further guidance on taking photographs of your work, refer to our toolkit.

Reference Letters and Referees
Obtain a support letter from a peer who can speak to how this opportunity will impact your practice. Ask well in advance and provide dot points or suggestions to guide their support letter, whilst making it relevant to the opportunity.  Check if referees are an application requirement. Select people who have a good understanding of your practice and can speak positively about your professional capacity to deliver a project.

Before sending
Invite people to read your application and ask for feedback on its clarity and content.

Check that you have included all required details and that all support material is clearly labelled. Make an application checklist and tick off each item as you go.

Unsuccessful application?
Rejection can be difficult when applications are unsuccessful. There will be other opportunities, so keep across Guildhouse’s programs here.  If you need additional support, call Support Act on 1800 959 500 for free and confidential mental health, wellbeing and career support for creative practitioners.

Guildhouse Community and Accredited members are eligible for Advice Bank sessions. Discuss a range of topics with Guildhouse’s experienced art professionals, including; grant funding applications, professional documentation, marketing, communications, artist opportunities and more. Contact us for more information.