Insurance For Artists
Insurance is increasingly becoming a requirement for artists, especially when operating in the public realm, exhibiting or selling work. This toolkit outlines key considerations for discerning whether insurance is required and understanding which policy best suits your needs.
Insurance may be required for the following activities:
- Teaching or leading workshops
- Selling work at markets
- Welcoming visitors to your studio
- Exhibiting work
- Working in the public realm
- Undertaking a residency
- Curating an exhibition
- Working independently in the arts
When taking out insurance, ensure to read the policy and check for possible exclusions.
Guildhouse’s Accredited Membership includes a custom-tailored insurance package for artists.
Visit our Accredited Membership page here.
What type of insurance do you require?
Insurance requirements vary greatly, with there being many possibilities to cover. Below is a brief overview of the most common policy needs. All coverage areas listed are included in Guildhouse’s Accredited Membership.
Public Liability Insurance will protect you from any person who makes a claim against you for bodily injury or property damage caused by a negligent action on your part.
Product Liability Insurance offers protection from a claim made against you because of injury or damage caused by negligence or a fault in your product.
Professional Indemnity insurance protects you from claims made against you for bodily injury or property damage for the breach of professional obligations or advice given on a professional basis.
Property in Your Physical or Legal Control can protect you from claims made against you for any damage or loss that you negligently cause to other people’s goods that are in your control.
Tenants Liability can cover you from claims made against you for damage caused through negligence to a property that you are renting.
Personal Accident can provide you with income replacement if you are injured and cannot work in your practice due to that injury.
Need additional coverage?
If you’re a Guildhouse Accredited Member and require advice on additional coverage options, contact Cover for Creatives via
Lodging a claim
If you’re a Guildhouse Accredited Member and need to lodge a claim, contact, and we will provide the appropriate broker details.
Claims are facilitated through the broker – they will support this process, lodge the claim on your behalf and provide further instructions.
Regardless of your policy, it is important to:
- If necessary, seek medical assistance in the first instance.
- If the incident is third party property damage, try to mitigate any further damage as much as possible, if it is safe to do so.
- Write a detailed report of the incident: what was the cause, how it occurred, time, date and what occurred immediately after.
- Depending on the type of incident, take photos of the general area, damage, signage, safety barriers etc.
- If possible, record contact details of any witnesses.
- Notify your insurer as soon as practical after the incident.
- Complete and lodge a claim form with any required supporting documents.
Once your claim is lodged, you may need to provide:
- Doctors’ reports
- Substantiation of your past income
- Invoices
Best practice and risk management:
For safe work environments, practice the following
- Ensure proper ventilation when using solvents or sprays
- Use protective gear when necessary (e.g. gloves, masks, eye protection)
- Regularly maintain and inspect electrical equipment and machinery
Due to the potential high risks associated with certain materials, Guildhouse supports and advocates for adherence to general WHS (Workplace Health and Safety) guidelines. Refer to Safe Work Australia and Workplace Health and Safety information in NAVA’s Code of Practice.
If you lead or teach workshops, it is best practice to have participants sign a waiver. Please find a waiver template here. This waiver is a guide and not a completed working document. The template may be edited to fit your circumstances.
Want to know more about your Guildhouse insurance?
From 1 February 2025, Guildhouse migrated to a new broker, Cover for Creatives Pty Ltd. Tailored specifically for artists, craftspeople, designers, curators, arts workers and installers, the Accredited Membership includes:
- Public and Product Liability: $20,000,000
- Personal Accident: $2,500,000 any one occurrence
- Professional Indemnity: $5,000,000 any one occurrence
- Property in Your Physical or Legal Control: $250,000
- Tenants Liability: up to $20,000,000
Click here for the Accredited Insurance Factsheet.
Visit the Accredited Membership page here.
Guildhouse Community and Accredited members are eligible for Advice Bank sessions. Discuss a range of topics with Guildhouse’s experienced art professionals, including; grant funding applications, professional documentation, marketing, communications, artist opportunities and more. Contact us for more information.