Writing a CV

A curriculum vitae (CV) is one of the most essential items in your toolkit as a creative professional.

A CV differs from a biography or artist statement, and should be written in a list format, not in prose.

When you are applying for opportunities, you will most likely be asked to provide a copy of your CV. This should include a summary of your educational and academic history, employment, teaching and research experience, and may also outline other career highlights including publications, presentations, awards, honours or affiliations.

Keep in mind that one CV will not be suitable for all applications. Ensure to amend your CV to highlight relevant achievements for the opportunity in question.

If you are an emerging artist, list your activities over the duration of your practice, including any education, training, research or volunteer work you have undertaken which is relevant. As your career progresses, you will become more selective with the details included.

Mid-career or established artists with a longer history should focus on current and more recent work and only include a few select highlights.


Find our template here as a guide in laying out your CV.

As chronology is important, start with the most recent and relevant entry in each section and work backwards.

CVs should include:

Personal Details

  • Name
  • Email
  • Website (if applicable)
  • Address and phone number(s) are optional, depending on where your CV is being sent. You may wish to exclude those details if you are uploading your CV to a website.

Education and Training

  • Include education and training relevant to your arts practice. Training may include master classes, workshops and work-related courses.

Professional Experience

  • Work experience directly related to your practice.


  • Create separate sub-headings for solo and group exhibitions.
  • List exhibitions by date, exhibition title and venue.


  • Have you worked individually or collaboratively on a commissioned project? This could include designing a sculpture for a built environment, a park, a public space, or a private commission. If the commissions are highly prestigious, name them individually. If not, group them chronologically, e.g. 2001 – 2005.

Grants and Awards

  • Only include those relevant to your practice.


  • Has your work been purchased and included in public or noted private collections? List both private and public separately, including the country where each collection is held.

Publications and Reviews

  • Ensure to reference the author, publication name, article title, publication date and page numbers or website link where relevant.


  • Are you represented by a gallery or galleries? List their details and include the gallery name.


    It is worthwhile reviewing other artists’ CVs as a reference point.

    Here are a few to get you started:

    Guildhouse Community and Accredited members are eligible for Advice Bank sessions. Discuss a range of topics with Guildhouse’s experienced art professionals, including; grant funding applications, professional documentation, marketing, communications, artist opportunities and more. Contact us for more information.