Call Outs

Honor Freeman, SALA Festival Art Gallery of South Australia (installation view), 2019. Photograph Saul Steed.

Guildhouse offers a range of opportunities throughout the year in the form of funded programs, mentorships, residencies, public art opportunities and more.

Call outs will be listed here as they open. Keep up to date by joining our mailing list

The Guildhouse Collections Project with Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium

New for 2025, artists are invited to develop works specifically for outdoors presentation at one of BGSH’s three gardens (Adelaide, Mount Lofty, Wittunga). Works can be installed within living collections, on bodies of water, and within some of the historical structures on site.

Closing 10 February 2025, 9am


CATAPULT + Tarnanthi 2020: Christina Gollan

CATAPULT + Tarnanthi 2020: Christina Gollan

Image: Tarnanthi 2021, Christina Gollan ceramic installation, Art Gallery of South Australia, Catapult mentorship program. Photograph Saul SteedThe Catapult + Tarnanthi 2020 mentorship sees Kaurna, Boandik and Ngarrindjeri artist Christina Gollan undertake mentorship...

reVision Symposium 2021

reVision Symposium 2021

reVision SymposiumA discussion about contemporary arts practice with artists, writers and curators. A national audience joined local and national speakers online in three sessions focusing on community, collaboration and ambition for the times we live in. Featuring...

The River and Death

The River and Death

Image: Connal Lee at the 'Biophilia: Is Nature Conscious? Philosophers talk with Connal Lee'. Photograph: Daniel Marks.The River and Death By ART WORKS 2021 Writer in Residence Connal Lee This piece of writing emerged from a discussion with Artist in Residence Rebecca...