Tue 05 March 2019 10pm – 2pm

Pricing: Members: free

Location: Guildhouse Office, North Terrace & Morphett St, Adelaide.

Presenter: Guildhouse Executive Officer Victoria Bowes and Artistic Programs Manager Debbie Pryor.

Monthly Advice Bank sessions for Members

Book in for one-on-one advice with Guildhouse’ experienced arts professionals to discuss a range of topics affecting your arts practice. Guildhouse Executive Officer Victoria Bowes and Artistic Programs Manager Debbie Pryor will answer questions from individual members in this complimentary 30 minute session, offered on the first Tuesday of each month from 10am – 4:30pm.

New Guildhouse members are encouraged to book a session with Victoria and Debbie to guide you through our 2019 program and discuss the professional development events that best suit your practice.

Topics of discussion may range from grant funding applications, creating your business plan, professional documentation, marketing, communications, artist opportunities and more, please clarify your topic of discussion prior to the meeting.

Please provide a few sentences in response to the following dot points around the topic of conversation that might best suit your practice, allowing us to prepare for the Advice Bank and best use our time together.

  •  Name
  •  Website or social media relating to your arts practice
  • Discussion topic (maybe be one of the topics above, or another topic pertinent to your practice)
  •  Do you have a specific question you would like answered, or a particular Guildhouse program you would like to know more about?


Bookings essential. Please emails guildhouse@guildhouse.org.au with the topics above and your preferred meeting time on Tuesday 5 March 2019.

Image: Limber Up Mentorship, Louise Flaherty and Laura Wills. 2018