Image: Sarah Feijen. Photograph Sam Roberts.

Today, the Guildhouse Board announces that Sarah Feijen is expanding her commitment to the South Australian arts and culture sector in a new role as Director of Artlab Australia and will step down as their Chief Executive Officer in mid-October.

Katie Sarah, Chair of the Guildhouse Board, acknowledged Sarah’s significant commitment over the past 18 months and thanked her for her leadership of the organisation.

“Sarah has done an excellent job of leading our Guildhouse team, through a time of significant change. She will be missed, but leaves a legacy of a dedicated team that is passionate about the work they do for the Guildhouse community and well placed to continue that work into the future.”

Sarah said that leading Guildhouse had been a profound and rewarding experience.

I am so proud of what we, the renewed Guildhouse team, have achieved over the past 18 months. Continuing and evolving an expansive, ambitious and vital program of artist services and creative development opportunities that ignite, uplift and sustain the careers of artists. This was matched with strong advocacy for artist’s needs and sustaining an insurance offering that is fundamental to professional practice.

It has been an immense privilege to work alongside the deeply committed Board, spectacular and skilled Guildhouse team, phenomenal partners, and deeply valued supporters. I thank you all wholeheartedly for your significant contributions and unending enthusiasm for making a difference to the lives of artists and the future of the creative sector.

Guildhouse does important work, and I know it will continue to respond positively to the needs of the visual art, craft and design community. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Guildhouse legacy and will remain a proud and active champion. The capacity, commitment and achievements of the Guildhouse team are superb and long-lasting.”

The Board has appointed Merinda Edwards, PhD Guildhouse’s respected Marketing and Development Manager, as Acting CEO. Recruitment for the role will commence in the coming weeks.