Members Admin Bank

A space for members to undertake the logistical and administrative aspects of sustaining their creative careers.

Need a space to work on that grant application? Do the tax return you’ve been putting off for months? Hold small meetings with other industry folk and prospective partners? Or just a quiet space where you can get on with the admin side of artistic practice and make a couple of calls?

Guildhouse Community and Accredited members can book in to use a space at our Lion Arts Membership Hub for their administration needs. We will provide a dedicated desk and meeting space where members can book in to undertake the logistical and administrative aspects of sustaining their creative careers.

There are two two-hour slots available three times a month on a Tuesday. The air conditioned space includes a computer, Wi-Fi access, the full suite of Microsoft programs, basic stationery and printing services and complimentary tea and coffee.

Come make the most of our central city location!

Note, Admin Bank is FREE and exclusive to Guildhouse financial members (Accredited or Community Membership) and you must have an active Membership to book a slot.

Booking information:

If you wish to book Admin Bank, contact us at or call 08 8410 1822.

Please note, Admin Bank is intended to facilitate members self-directed administration needs through the space and equipment provided. If you require one-on-one support or advice we suggest booking into our free “Advice Bank” service to discuss your arts practice with us. 

Image: Guildhouse office, photograph Lana Adams.