Wed 20 August 2014 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Pricing: Members: Free / Guests: $15.00
Location: K2-09, Ground Floor, Kaurna Building, Uni SA, City West Campus
Presenter: Dr Michael Newall
Bookings are no longer available.
How do you constructively speak about someone’s work? How do you effectively speak about your own work? Ever been part of a bad crit session? Learn how you can create a productive critique with Dr Michael Newall. Bring along a piece of your work!
Originally from Adelaide, Dr Michael Newall is currently Head of History & Philosophy and Co-Director of the Aesthetics Research Centre at the University of Kent. Michael has studied visual arts at University of South Australia, philosophy at University of Adelaide and has a PhD in aesthetics from Flinders University. Michael has written numerous articles and reviews for Australian contemporary arts magazines, and worked as a curator and editor at the Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia.