Image: INFORM: Brave New World, 2019. Photograph: Rosina Possingham.
Monday 15 February, 7pm – 8pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Price: Free
Presenters: Emma Fey, Guildhouse CEO, Daniella Colicchio, Manager, Small Business, The Department for Innovation and Skills (DIS), and Simon Crotti, Manager, Small Business Grant Team, The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)
Hear firsthand from Simon Crotti from The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) and Daniella Colicchio from The Department for Innovation and Skills (DIS) and learn how you can leverage the state government’s COVID Small Business Grants and SME Advisory Services Program to support your practice in 2021.
Unpack the second round of the COVID Small Business Grant program with Simon and see how you can access small businesses ($10,000) and sole trader ($3,000) support if you are receiving the JobKeeper extension. With applications closing 28 February at midnight, this session is the perfect opportunity to clarify your eligibility for the program and take away the necessary tools to write a succinct and competitive application.
Explore the multi-faceted SME Advisory Services Program with Daniella to access matched funding support of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) and undertake professional services such as business planning, marketing, e-commerce and more. Daniella will also discuss how you can go about being added to the DIS’s list of approved service providers to help you generate paid employment opportunities through the program. Though applications for this program are open until 17 May 2021, 5pm we encourage you to apply as soon as you’re able to ensure you have the best chance of accessing this opportunity.
This session demystifies the criteria and selection process for both grants and guides you through the variety of projects the funding will support. It will be held via Zoom.
Participants are encouraged to submit their questions upon registration to help shape the presentation and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask the DIS and DTF staff any other questions that come up during the session so you can leave with the confidence to submit your applications.
About the COVID Small Business Grant (Round 2)
The Small Business Grant program provides support to South Australian small businesses that are highly impacted by the COVID19 pandemic.
The second round of Small Business Grants includes $10,000 grants for eligible small businesses that employ staff and are receiving the JobKeeper extension from 28 September 2020 (JobKeeper extension 1) or from 4 January 2021 (JobKeeper extension 2).
This round of grants also introduces $3,000 grants for small businesses that do not employ staff, are operating from commercial premises, and are receiving JobKeeper extension 1 or 2.
Closing 28 February 2021, midnight.
About the SME Advisory Services Program
The SME Business Advisory Services Program helps eligible small and medium sized businesses access professional services to grow and transform their business. Open to any business type or industry sector, applicants are eligible to apply for a maximum of $10,000 (excluding GST) of matched funding to get access to professional business advice in key areas. If approved, this funding can help support business growth and transformation, and contribute to future business viability.
Professional services which businesses can access through the funding include:
- business planning
- marketing
- e-commerce
- finance matters
- workforce planning
- transformation of business and operating models
- identification of new business opportunities, including research and development
- analysis of growth opportunities
- information technology
- business future proofing, including how to maximise technology
- business continuity planning (including both emergency planning and managing occurrences such as supply chain disruptions)
- other advice as deemed appropriate by the assessment panel where the Applicant can demonstrate benefit of transformation and growth to their business.
Closing 17 May 2021, 5pm
This event is presented with the support of The Department for Innovation and Skills and The Department of Treasury and Finance.