Tue 19 November 2013 6pm – 7:30pm

Pricing: Members: $10.00 / Guests: $20.00

Location: 26 Sixth St, Bowden

Presenter: Roy Ananda and Brigid Noone

Bookings are no longer available.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to visit the private studios of some of Adelaide’s most successful artists and hear how they’ve established sustainable careers. Guildhouse’s series of talks in the artist’s studio invites you to learn from well-regarded creative professionals as they describe their career development – where they started, what they’ve done to get where they are and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Roy Ananda is a South Australian artist working in the fields of drawing, sculpture and installation. He is represented by Dianne Tanzer Gallery + Projects in Melbourne and has held numerous solo exhibitions. His work has also appeared in significant survey exhibitions including Primavera at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney), The Australian Drawing Biennale at the Drill Hall Gallery (Canberra) and The New New at CACSA (Adelaide). In 2010, Ananda was the South Australian recipient of the Qantas Foundation Art Award and he has received numerous grants from the Australia Council, Arts SA and the National Association for the Visual Arts. In addition to his studio practice, Roy is active as a writer and a lecturer; he is currently Head of Sculpture at Adelaide Central School of Art.

An artist, curator, educator and cultural innovator, Brigid Noone is currently the Director of Fontanelle Gallery & Studios. Brigid graduated from the South Australian School of Art with honours in 1998 majoring in painting and with a Masters of Visual Arts (Research) in 2011. After being awarded the Ruth Tuck Scholarship she moved to Rotterdam in the Netherlands to undertake a residency at Stichting Kunst & Complex. Living between Rotterdam and Adelaide her painting and curating practices developed through local and international exhibitions. Along with her own visual arts practice, Brigid has been instrumental in supporting the Adelaide arts community with a vision to create and support arts infrastructure for emerging artists.

Noone was one of the co-founding directors of artist run initiative FELTspace and was selected by the Australia Council for the Arts to work as an emerging curator for the Australian presentations at the 53rd Venice Biennale. She also co-founded Renew Adelaide, and most recently forged a new relationship with Renewal SA to secure a three year lease to run Fontanelle, that houses two gallery spaces, twenty-five studios, and a workshop space for artist led classes.

An audience Q&A and the opportunity to network with other creatives will follow, light refreshments provided.