Image: Elizabeth Close, Take Nothing, Leave Nothing, installation view, Yungondi, 2022. Photograph Lana Adams.
Creativity and collaboration are at the heart of innovation. Since 2018 UniSA Business has partnered with Guildhouse to present works by contemporary South Australian visual artists to encourage reflection and inspire new ideas.
Take Nothing; Leave Nothing
Elizabeth Close
1 August – 4 November 2022
Artist Statement
Take Nothing; Leave Nothing speaks the enduring nature of Country and the fear that many Anangu have that our sacred ancestral landscape will be exploited without regard for the Songlines and Tjurkurpa that lie beneath the landscape that can be seen as opposed to the Country that can be felt.
Elizabeth Close is a a Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara woman and Visual Artist living and working on Unceded Kaurna Country. Her work speaks to connection to Country and connection to place and space. She has a studio practice but also works in the realms of digital media and large scale public art.

Image: Elizabeth Close, Exploitation of Country. Photograph courtesy the artist.
Please note: The UniSA Business School Yungondi Building is open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.