Image: Artwork by Tristan Kerr. Photograph Sam Roberts.

Guildhouse is seeking an urgent response from our community about a recent insurance policy change for Accredited Members Working at Heights.

We want to let you know that we have been notified of updates to the working at height policy by our insurance broker, Local Community Insurance Services (LCIS).

These changes are:

  • Artists and arts workers who work at less than 2 metres* will be charged an additional premium of almost $100.
  • Artists and arts workers who work at heights greater than 2 metres and less than 5 metres will be charged an additional premium of over $600.
  • Artists and arts workers who work at heights greater than 5 metres will no longer be eligible for this insurance package.

*The two-metre restriction is how far your feet are from the ground. For example, if you are standing on a stepladder that is 1.8 metres high to install an artwork at 2.5 metres.

We understand these changes will apply from 1 October 2023 and does not impact members who hold a current policy. If you are a new or renewing member in September please speak with us directly.

We acknowledge that this impacts all members, and significantly emerging artists, mural workers, installers and those who work in public art.

Guildhouse, working with NAVA and the wider national arts service organisations, continues to work hard in the background to understand clarity around what this means for members and to advocate for reasonable changes that maintain appropriate coverage for our members.

To help us, we would appreciate written impact statements from members, and our wider community, on how these policy changes will affect the work of independent artists, designers, craftspeople and the sector.

Please complete the below survey as soon as possible: