Image: Kate Larsen’s Poetry-a-thon, ART WORKS 2019. Photograph: Daniel Marks
Guildhouse is calling for expressions of interest from South Australian writers for the ART WORKS 2020 Writer in Residence.
This is an exciting opportunity for a writer who is engaged with the arts and culture sector. The writer will spend time with the ART WORKS Emerging Curator and Artist in Residence to respond to themes and ideas that are developing across these programs. It is an opportunity to connect with users of the libraries, general public, other writers and arts audiences through public engagement and workshops.
COVID-19 Update
City of Adelaide has announced the closure of City Libraries until further notice due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Prospective applicants are encouraged to submit applications by the due date and it is anticipated that the assessment process will go ahead as planned. The successful applicant should be announced by end of April with the start date of 11 June 2020 for the residency. In the event that City Libraries remain closed an alternative plan for the Writer in Residence will be investigated.
For any further information or queries contact Julianne Pierce, Programs Officer at Guildhouse on (08) 8410 1822 or
Applications close Tuesday 14 April, 9 am
This residency has encouraged me to vocalize and interact more during the developmental stage of my piece; not normally a process I undertake when writing. I have participated in many enlightening conversations with artists, community members and workshop attendants over the last few months forming new points of perspective and better understanding the depth of my subject.
The Writer in Residence opportunity coincides with the 2020 ART WORKS Emerging Curator and Artist in Residence program. The timeframe of the Writer in Residence is June to December 2020 to enable interaction across the other residencies.
The 2020 Writer in Residence program will involve the following:
- The Writer in Residence will be based for approximately one day per week over a six-month timeframe at the City of Adelaide City Libraries (as appropriate across Rundle Place, Tynte Street and Hutt Street)
- A desk will be made available in the public space with access to staff amenities and a locker
- The Writer in Residence will engage with the the Artists in Residence at City of Adelaide Art Pod to develop writing around the focus of the residencies which are public and audience engagements including participatory or performative events, exhibition and critical dialogue
- The residencies and outcomes will be located at City of Adelaide venues including the Art Pod, City Library, Adelaide Town Hall first floor foyer and Mankurri-api Kuu (Reconciliation Room)
- The Writer in Residence will also engage with Guildhouse staff and the Emerging Curator Steph Cibich to work towards written and published outcomes of the ART WORKS 2020 program
The two confirmed ART WORKS 2020 Artists is Residence have been selected from a call for proposals:
Jasmine Ann Dixon February to August
Jane Skeer September to February 2021
Tuesday 10 March Expressions of Interest Open
Tuesday 14 April Expressions of Interest application deadline 9am
The Writer in Residence will receive a stipend of $3,000 (ex GST) and will enter into an agreement with Guildhouse.
Proposals must explore at least one element of the key strategic directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan:
- New work will be created
- Audience development will be explored through collaboration and participation
- Cultural activity in the City of Adelaide will increase
- Outcomes must fall into the broad visual arts, craft and design sectors.
- Applications will not be considered that denigrate or exclude any groups in the community
- The successful applicant will be required to join Guildhouse if not already a member
- Approach and rationale to a recent piece of the applicant’s original writing (max 400 words)
- Outline how you will explore ONE key element from the following key strategic directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan (select one only max 250 words)
- Smart – a connected city
- Green – a sustainable city
- Liveable – a welcoming and inclusive city
- Creative – a dynamic city full of authentic, rich and diverse experiences
- Outline of applicant’s reason for applying and expectations from the Writer in Residence program (max 250 words)
- Writer biography (max 200 words)
- One page CV
- One consolidated PDF of max 10 pages of support material that could include: exhibition catalogue, published writings, reviews, articles
- Contact details for two referees
Do I have to be an emerging or established writer to apply?
This opportunity is available for writers at any stage of their career. However, writers need to demonstrate that they have an active writing practice and have been recently published. During the submission process applicants are required to submit support material (up to 10 pages in total) which can be examples of creative writing, articles, reviews and catalogue essays.
Do I have to be writing about arts and culture?
Applicants should have published writing about arts and culture in South Australia or have a creative writing practice that can be adapted to the Art Works requirements. The writer in residence will be required to write about visual arts practice and also more broadly about the City of Adelaide strategic theme.
Do I have to write about the Art Works Artist in Residence and Exhibitions program?
Yes, an essential requirement is that you will engage with the artists in residence and the exhibition program. This will require you to spend some time with the two artists and develop writing about their work. This should be in your own style of writing and you may also want to incorporate your other interests into these pieces of writing.
How much writing am I expected to produce?
At a minimum you will be required to produce two pieces of writing of at least 1,000 words each. The writings will be published on the Guildhouse website and potentially also printed as essays in exhibition catalogues.
How do I find out further information about the artists and exhibitions?
You can find further material on the Guildhouse website and the artists’ websites and social media:
Jasmine Ann Dixon or @jasmineanndixon
Jane Skeer or @janeskeer
Our Future in the Landscape exhibition
Do I have to write about the City of Adelaide Strategic priority?
Yes it is a requirement that you engage with one theme from the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan. It is up to you how you interpret this theme and you may respond with poetry, creative writing, essay or others writing formats that you are working within.
- Smart – a connected city
- Green – a sustainable city
- Liveable – a welcoming and inclusive city
- Creative – a dynamic city full of authentic, rich and diverse experiences
Do I have to be based in South Australia to apply?
Yes your primary place of residence should be in South Australia.
Do I have to be a Guildhouse member?
You do not need to be a current Guildhouse to apply for the Writer in Residence. If you are successful and receive a residency you will need to join Guildhouse and will be offerered complimentary Associate Membership (value $98 per year).
Do I need insurance?
Yes you will enter into an agreement with Guildhouse as an independent contractor. You will be required to have public liability insurance in place minimum $20mil cover. If you do not have Public Liability cover in place you can join Guildhouse as an Accredited Member (cost of $265 per year with the cost of $98 Associate Membership deducted will be $167).
Do I need to engage with the public?
The writer in residence will be based at City of Adelaide public libraries and will be provided with a desk and lockable cabinet for personal items. The writer in residence may wish to engage with the public at certain times and at other times work in a quiet space within the library.
Will I have to run any public programs?
The writer in residence will be required to engage in public programs, this could be to run a writing workshop, provide a talk or reading. This is open to discussion with Guildhouse and City of Adelaide staff.
When will I be paid the stipend of $3,000?
The stipend will be paid in two parts over the duration of the residency. You will receive an upfront payment followed by a final payment at the end of the residency upon receipt of a written report about the residency.
What is the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020
The Strategic Plan provides guidance for the City of Adelaide over the period 2016-2020. The Strategic Plan consists of four key themes Smart, Green, Liveable and Creative, underpinned by objectives and 110 actions to demonstrate Council’s commitment to tangible results. You can find further details and download the plan here.
For any further information or queries contact Julianne Pierce, Programs Officer at Guildhouse on (08) 8410 1822 or
This is the third year of the ART WORKS program, an exhibition and residency program delivered by Guildhouse in partnership with the City of Adelaide. ART WORKS delivers on the City’s Cultural Strategy 2016-23 for Adelaide to be recognised as a cultural incubator where people, enterprises and audiences flourish.