Kaspar Schmidt Mumm
Artist in Residency
April – May 2018
Kaspar Schmidt Mumm will continue his quest to develop a language for global citizens. This residency will act as forum for the extension of an already established work IMMI. IMMI are an unidentified culture living in the cracks of society. By observing the archetypes of all our cultures they have begun to create a new hybrid one. Previous, current, and new audiences will be drawn in to explore, discover, worship, and create how we connect with cultural isolation.
Kaspar will be in residence at the Minor Works Building at various times throughout April and May. You are invited to drop in any Thursday and Friday, (except 10 and 11 May).
Born in Germany and raised in Adelaide with Colombian, Pakistani and Canadian heritage, Kaspar Schmidt Mumm is a third generation immigrant whose practice ranges from painting, sculpture and performance to arts writing, curating and creative direction. His motivation to make art stems from his experience of displacement and desire to develop an artistic language that crosses cultural borders – a language for the global citizen.
Presenting work in both traditional and obscure venues, Schmidt Mumm has exhibited in galleries, streets, abandoned buildings, theatres and clubs around the world, including Heeresbekleidungsamt and Gallery Ardes (Berlin, Germany); Warehouse 82 (Bali, Indonesia); The Floating Goose and 322 King William St (Adelaide, Australia). His current work involves large-scale puppetry and short film, alongside managing artist-run space SMOCK. His most recent commission of note was the creative direction of the 2017 Adelaide Cabaret Festival television commercial and media branding.