Image: Artist studio, photograph Lana Adams.
What, When, Now and (Not Now): Approaches in juggling and developing a sustainable arts practice
Thursday 15 August 2024
10:30am — 12:00pm
Location: UniSA – Jeffrey Smart Building Forum
243 Hindley Street Adelaide, SA 5000
Pricing: $5 Guildhouse Members / $45 Non-members
Join us for our next INFORM Professional Development session looking at sustainable arts practice.
A sustainable contemporary arts career requires artists to develop a multi-layered practice that combines great networking skills, business nous and adaptability with their creative skills. Join us for this session looking at opportunities to grow your career and pathways that can help your income align more closely with your ambition. Ways to help you grown a sustainable arts practice will be the focus of this session with lots of practical tips and suggested resources for you to use.
Guildhouse INFORM Professional Development Program is supported by our valued ongoing partnership with the University of South Australia, providing an intersectional place and space for communities to connect, gather and be inspired.

About the Presenter

Maz McGann has been working in arts and cultural management for over 20 years, working as both a freelancer and with government and not for profit community and arts organisations. She has developed and delivered programs on arts leadership and funding development and works with a range of organisations on strategic planning, consultation, evaluation, feasibility and project mangement. Maz is based in the Barossa Valley but works all over Australia. Her recent clients include Creative Australia, the Regional Galleries Association of SA, City of Kingston, Adelaide Fringe, and QMusic. She is the Chair of the Sunshine Coast Arts Advisory Board and was recently appointed as the Co-Director of the Barossa Vintage Festival.