Image: Artist in Residence 2022 Jingwei Bu in the City of Adelaide ArtPOD, 2022. Photograph Sam Roberts.
Guildhouse is calling for expressions of interest from South Australian artists and an artist and writer team for residency opportunities in the ArtPOD ART WORKS program. The ArtPOD is a City of Adelaide initiative located at 25 Pirie St – in the Breezeway – ART WORKS is an exhibition and residency program delivered by Guildhouse in partnership with the City of Adelaide.
This call out has expanded to include responses from individual Artists and an Artist and Writer duo. The THREE residencies currently on offer consist of 1 x Artist and Writer duo and 2 x Artist solo opportunities from March 2023 to February 2024.
Based at the City of Adelaide’s ArtPOD, the Artist or Artist and Writer in Residence (A/WIR) program will run alongside the ART WORKS Early Career Curator. There will be regular meetings, feedback and discussion across these roles in the development of curatorial, exhibition and writing outcomes across multiple city-based sites.
We encourage interest from artists and artist and writer duos with diverse creative practices. The residency affords opportunities for a breadth of public and audience engagements, including exhibitions, participatory or performative events and critical dialogue. These outcomes will be led by the artist and/or artist and writer duo, supported by the Early Career Curator and Guildhouse Programs team.
Applications open: Tuesday 4 October 2022, 9am ACDT
Applications close: Tuesday 15 November 2022, 9am ACDT
We are currently inviting applications from x2 individual artists and x1 artist and writer duo for the following three residency terms – March 2023 – June 2023; July 2023 to October 2023 and November 2023 to February 2024. ART WORKS is a collaborative program of residencies, curatorial mentorship and creative engagements, designed in partnership with the City of Adelaide to provide a city-based platform for artists, curators and writers to pursue new ways of working and engaging with audiences.
The residency program is an opportunity to connect with new audiences and lends itself well to socially engaged and interdisciplinary practices. Artists and writers will spend time working and making in the ArtPOD space, as well as creating an installation that lives and grows in the space for audiences to view when the studio is unoccupied by artists and writer.
The ArtPOD offers a unique residency experience, as a civic space its edges are semi permeable with the public. Each occupancy has engaged the glass frontage, internal space and screens and connection to speakers in the breezeway in different ways. There is also a door for public access and engagement into the space which is opened at the discretion and intention of the artists or artist and writer in residence.
The ArtPOD residencies connect with the Early Career Curator and the exhibition program they develop and present in the Adelaide Town Hall First Floor Gallery and Mankurri-api Kuu / Reconciliation Room. It is a dynamic opportunity with generous scope for exploration, experimentation and collaboration – as each residency is unique and idiosyncratic to the artists or artist and writer in residence – the specific intended outcomes of the residency are self-directed and laid out in each application.
As ART WORKS is a program delivered in partnership between Guildhouse and the City of Adelaide we highly encourage applications that reflect the specificities of connective, interdisciplinary and socially engaged creative practice. Supported by the Citys Cultural Strategy 2020-24 applications must reflect a sensibility of respect for the interconnective engagement between this city-based platform and its surrounding community and audience.
Each Artist and/or Artist and Writer duo in Residence will receive a stipend of $2,500 (ex GST) (per individual; $5,000 (ex GST) per duo) and will enter into an agreement with Guildhouse.
Guildhouse and the City of Adelaide Creative City Team will assess applications against the criteria below and will invite shortlisted applicants for interview in the week commencing 21 November 2022. Please be sure you are eligible to apply, that your application addresses the criteria, and contains all required inclusions. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in early December 2022 to commence from 1 March 2023 onwards.
Please note: Applications must be submitted via the online form.
Criteria and Eligibility
- Proposals must explore at least one element of the key directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan
- New work will be created
- Audience development will be explored through collaboration and participation
- Cultural activity in the City of Adelaide will increase
- Outcomes must fall into the broad visual arts, craft and design sectors
- Applications will not be considered that denigrate or exclude any groups in the community
- Successful applicants will need to hold public liability insurance to the value of $20,000,000
- Successful applicants will need to provide a COVID-19 vaccination certificate in accordance with City of Adelaide’s vaccine mandate from 20 December 2021
Applications must include
- Your proposed project for the Artist and Writer in Residence.
- Outline how you will explore ONE element from the key directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan.
- Outline of applicants’ reason for applying and expectations from the AWIR program.
- One consolidated PDF (2-4 pages) of collated biographies (max 150 words each) and CVs
- One consolidated PDF of max 15 pages of material which supports your practices e.g. high quality images of work, exhibition catalogue excerpts, reviews and published writings.
- Contact details for two referees
Application tips
- Hover the mouse over each question and helpful information will appear to the right.
- Prepare any relevant text in a word document and copy and paste into the application form, this will allow greater preparation time and ensure that you have a copy of your application form for your records.
- Applicants will receive an email confirming the submission of their application – if this notification is not received the application has not submitted correctly. Once you have submitted the form changes cannot be made to an application.
For any further information or queries contact Samantha Faehrmann, Program Producer at Guildhouse on:
Tel: 08 8410 1822
Applications close: Tuesday 15 November 2022, 9am ACDT