The Wyatt Trust Artwork Commission
Guildhouse is working in partnership with The Wyatt Trust to commission two professional South Australian artists to create integrated artworks in their exciting new space at 161 Frome Street, Adelaide, with a combined commission value of $16,000.
This wonderful opportunity is open to South Australian creatives experiencing financial hardship, including artists receiving income support or JobSeeker allowance.
Guildhouse and The Wyatt Trust are seeking works to activate the interior space of the Frome Street hub, engaging the community of staff, clients and public using the space. The large interior lightwell wall and internal rooms are suitable for murals and designs for works on vinyl.
The Wyatt Trust has been supporting South Australians since 1886. The Trust is named after Dr William Wyatt, an English settler who arrived in Australia in 1837. With no surviving heirs, Dr Wyatt used the funds he had derived from land purchases to establish a trust for the benefit of his fellow South Australians, many of whom he had witnessed struggle with adversity and poverty.
With a focus on helping individuals, The Wyatt Trust has evolved its grant making practices over the years to grow its impact. The Wyatt Trust has distributed over $62 million in grants which have helped more than 73,000 South Australians.
Today, The Wyatt Trust’s vision is a South Australia where inequality is challenged, and poverty is eradicated.
The Wyatt Trust’s work is growing, and their role in shaping and supporting philanthropy in South Australia is expanding. The new space at 161 Frome Street in Adelaide is a hub for people and organisations with aligned purpose and values to co-locate, collaborate, and create a South Australian community that values, supports and engages with philanthropy as a critical component of community wellbeing.
The commissioning of South Australian based artists experiencing financial hardship is in true alignment with The Wyatt Trust’s focus on helping individuals suffering from inequality.
Guildhouse is inviting South Australian visual artists or artist groups to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for each of the following opportunities:
Opportunity 1: A mural in the boardroom lightwell
Opportunity 2: Designs for vinyl wall coverings to be applied across two meeting rooms
The Artworks:
Artists are invited to consider a broad overarching theme of Building Social Good.
The aim of the artwork is to:
- Capture a sense of the dynamic and agile nature of the hub;
- Imbue a sense of belonging, of being a part of something bigger;
- Create a welcoming and inclusive environment;
- Bring an important aesthetic and tonal contribution to the spaces, keeping the palette and textures of the overall space in mind
Location 1: The lightwell – mural
- The commissioned mural on the wall of the lightwell will create a focus for the boardroom and enjoys high visibility from the main entrance due to the glass frontage of the boardroom.
- The wall measures approximately 310cm high x 555cm wide (approx. 17 square metres).
- Considerations: The floor space on which to work is 140cm wide (this is the distance between the painting wall and the glass wall of the lightwell). This will allow sufficient space for the use of a ladder.
Location 2: Ramong and Boston Rooms – designs for wall vinyl
- The commissioned work will take the form of designs for vinyl wall coverings which will be applied across the two meeting rooms. This will enable substantial artworks spanning two walls in each room that cohesively straddle both meeting rooms. For further information about designing for wall vinyl please read the following fact sheet: Artwork Design for Vinyl.
- The room names, Ramong and Boston, reference the coastal areas of Encounter Bay and Boston Bay respectively, where Dr William Wyatt first purchased land.
- The adjoining meeting rooms have a glass frontage spanning across the two rooms.
- Ramong Room measures 258cm high x 300cm wide x 300cm deep
- Boston Room measures 258cm high x 260cm wide x 300cm deep
RSVP to visit the space:
Artists wishing to visit the space before submitting their EOI are invited to contact
A site visit will be arranged for the week beginning 14 February 2022.
The Budget:
Location 1: The lightwell
- The budget for each shortlisted artist to develop a concept design for the lightwell artwork is $1,500 plus GST (if applicable).
- The selected artist’s commissioning budget is $6,000 plus GST (if applicable) which includes materials and all costs associated with the creation and installation of the work.
- The total artist budget for the light well artwork is $7,500 plus GST (if applicable).
Location 2: Ramong and Boston Rooms
- The budget for each shortlisted artist to develop a concept design for the meeting rooms is $1,500 plus GST (if applicable).
- The selected artist’s commissioning budget is $4,000 plus GST (if applicable). Please note that this amount includes the artist’s limited licensing fee but does not include the cost of vinyl fabrication and installation, which will be covered separately by The Wyatt Trust.
- The total artist budget for the meeting rooms is $5,500 plus GST (if applicable).
- This opportunity is open to low-income South Australian creatives who are experiencing financial hardship, including artists receiving income support or the JobSeeker allowance.
- Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Australia, born or living in South Australia, preferably for at least five years.
- Applicants do not have to be Guildhouse members.
Selection Criteria:
- Quality and/or diversity of your previous work
- Suitability of your practice in relation to the brief
- Ability to undertake all stages of the project within the timeframe specified
- Ability to meet the eligibility criteria.
Application Process:
Shortlisted applicants will be commissioned to develop a concept design.
As concepts are not required at this stage of the process, please provide the following via the online form:
- Artist biography.
- A short, written response to the opportunity (specify which of the two commissioning opportunities is of interest and why).
- This opportunity is open to South Australian creatives experiencing financial hardship, including artists receiving income support or JobSeeker allowance. Please explain briefly how this opportunity would benefit you in relation to this eligibility requirement.
- Support material including:
– CV
– maximum two industry references
– up to 10 high quality images of previous work
Applications close Monday 21 February 2022, 9am ACDT
Guildhouse is an equal opportunities employer and persons who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, or from a diverse cultural background are encouraged to apply.
Artists are not required to have previous commissioning experience in order to apply for these opportunities.
Please contact Guildhouse Professional Services Producer Tracy Le Cornu at or on 0434 460 613 (Monday to Wednesday) with any questions.
Project Timeline:
Applications open, Thursday 27 January 2022
Site visit for interested artists, Friday 4 February 2022, 10am – 12pm
Applications close, Monday 21 February 2022, 9am
Notification to shortlisted artists, week beginning 21 February 2022 (unsuccessful applicants will be notified week beginning 28 February 2022)
Shortlisted artists contracted and briefed for concept development, week beginning 28 February 2022
Concept development phase
Artwork design selection and artist notification
Artists contracted for commission development
Artwork creation/installation phase – practical completion, June 2022
Application Tips:
- Hover the mouse over each question and helpful information will appear to the right.
- Prepare the relevant text in a word document and copy and paste into the application form, this will allow greater preparation time and ensure that you have a copy of your application form for your records.
- Applicants will receive an email confirming the submission of their application – if this notification is not received the application has not submitted correctly.
- Once you have submitted the form, changes cannot be made to an application.

Images, L-R: Hitnes mural workshop, 2014. Photograph Ben McPherson.