Intersection Regional Tour

Intersection is a bespoke professional development program connecting artists, craftspeople, designers and creatives in regional communities across South Australia.

Guildhouse in partnership with Country Arts SA are excited to launch ‘Intersection’ in 2024.

There are four main stops on the tour – Goolwa, Minlaton, Renmark and Mount Gambier – with opportunity for us to extend out from these centres to connect with surrounding peoples and communities. 

We are coming to learn, exchange, showcase and celebrate how meaningful, valuable and dynamic lived experiences of developing creative practices can be. Strengthening professional practice, capability, confidence and connection. At each main stop on the tour we will host an open community event to celebrate, gather and share collectively.

Throughout the Intersection tour, we invite locals to join us at the Community event, if you haven’t connected with Guildhouse or Country Arts SA before, please join in, we welcome connecting with you!

Intersection is delivered in collaboration and partnership with Guildhouse and Country Arts SA with principal support from The Ades Family Foundation and a travel grant from Gordon Darling Foundation.  


Yorke Peninsula based in Minlaton

24 – 27 July 2024

Riverland based in Renmark

5 – 8 September 2024

Limestone Coast based in Mt Gambier

24 – 27 October 2024

Images: Intersection Regional Tour, Fleurieu Peninsula artist studio visits, 2024. Photographs Lana Adams. 


Fleurieu Peninsula based in Goolwa

1 – 4 May 2024