Thursday 12 November, 6pm
Pricing: Free
Location: Online broadcast
Presenter: David Capra
David Capra
Teena Knows Best
Performance artist David Capra is known for his collaborations with dachshund Teena. David and Teena have a long-standing history of creating socially engaged projects that make the world feel a little less lonely.
Gain insight into what it takes to work in collaborative practice with a dog. Learn about the beginnings of their work together, philosophies that govern their work, and how their projects have traversed the gallery, community sector, media and general public audiences.
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DAVID CAPRA is known for his collaborations with dachshund Teena. In 2016 they appeared on the 9 Network’s Today Show to promote her own fragrance, Eau de Wet Dogge. In 2015 Teena’s Bathtime was launched at the MCA’s Jackson Bella Room, where visitors related to Teena’s experiences around anxiety- Teena doesn’t quite enjoy bathtime. In 2018, David and Teena performed The long and short of it: Life lessons from art-dog Teena to an audience of 5000 at TEDx Sydney and answered the question ‘What makes a dachshund the perfect muse?’ in an article for the Guardian newspaper. Most recently, David and Teena collaborated with Kaldor Projects, producing a series of Teena Takes on… educational videos and the Kaldor Studio project at the Art Gallery NSW.
Image: David Capra and Teena. Photograph: Anna Kucera.