Christy Dena: Rituals of Online Artist Processes

Date: Tuesday 22 September, 4pm
Presenter: Christy Dena
Guildhouse financial members Free
Non-members (COVID-19 hardship concession) $5
Non-members (full price) $15
Narrative Designer Christy Dena demonstrates how artist processes can be adapted to an online context. From developing ideas, to sharing making processes or collaboration, the session unpacks options for meaningful and accessible global interaction.
An arts practice often involves interaction with fellow artists, friends, colleagues, and the natural or synthetic environment around you. In this session Dena reveals how she has found artist interactions and making processes can be adapted in an online context. These practices include ideation (developing ideas), feedback (helpful critiques for work in development), process shares (sharing how you make), collaborator meetings, networking, and socialising.
The session will be delivered as a presentation with audio description, text-based interaction is encouraged, and optional video or text-based questions and discussion.

Christy Dena
Dr Christy Dena is a writer-designer-director who has worked on award-winning interactive and multi-artform projects. Since the 1990s, she has been developing, researching and teaching multi-artform projects where the digital plays a key role. She has run online events, 30+ online studios for interdisciplinary and international artists, and consulted to organisations, agencies, and companies.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Also backed by generous support from the Day Family Foundation and Creative Partnerships Australia.
Images (L-R): Christy Dena. Photograph: courtesy the speaker; Robot Uni installation at The Cube, QUT. Photograph: courtesy the speaker; Magister Ludi bedroom (screenshot), Magister Ludi game commissioned by Experimenta. Illustrator: Marigold Bartlett.

James Dodd

Fran Callen