Trish Hansen: Being

Date: Thursday 3 December, 4 pm
Presenter: Trish Hansen
Guildhouse financial members Free
Non-members (COVID-19 hardship concession) $5
Non-members (full price) $15
Since the beginning of consciousness, artists have been humanity’s great sense makers, the transdisciplinary storytellers, taking us to the edges of reality and beyond to shape new ways of feeling, seeing and being.
Never before in human history has there been a greater need to explore what matters most in this wondrous world – to intuit, examine, interpret, guide, inspire and inform new ways of thinking, living and being in this extraordinary place.
‘So as you draft your intent and craft its manifest – how will you shape our image in this world, and not the world in our image?’
This session brings Trish Hansen in conversation with Debbie Pryor to explore the unique and crucial role of artists, makers, cultural producers and their agents, as the curators of the future – transforming the chaos and ambiguity into curiosity and wonder for a reality beyond what has become.

Trish Hansen
Trish Hansen is the Founding Principal of Urban Mind Studio. As a strategist and systems designer in the fields of health, wellbeing, arts and culture, Trish works to enrich the creative and cultural life of places, neighbourhoods and cities. As a natural collaborator, complex systems thinker and regenerative practitioner, Trish has provoked, pioneered and managed social enterprises, projects, programs and quests in the tertiary adult and paediatric health, urban, arts and cultural sectors. Currently a Good Design Australia Ambassador, Fellow of the Centre for Conscious Design, Board Director of the South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival as well as serving on other committees including the Good Design Australia COVID 19 Taskforce.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Also backed by generous support from the Day Family Foundation and Creative Partnerships Australia.
Images (L-R): Trish Hansen, The Being Code, Trish Hansen. Photographs: Ben Searcy.

James Dodd

Fran Callen