Digital experts sought for Round 2 of the reVision Tech Mentor Program
I liked the opportunity to give back to the arts sector, especially in the present climate. Working one-on-one with two people who I could see appreciated the time we were spending together gave me the warm fuzzies.
My art practice is forever changing and I need to be willing to follow and learn from these experiences provided, including staying up to date with technology. Establishing an art career is a lonely road and to have a mentor that is willing to share their own skills of the trade with us is invaluable. I am very grateful for what I have learnt through this tech training.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. Also backed by generous support from the Day Family Foundation and Creative Partnerships Australia.
Images (L-R): Rosina Possingham, Mapping the Patch, 2021. Photograph: George Graetz.

James Dodd
Built Environment, Installation, Outdoor, Painting, Public Art, Sculpture, Teaching, Wall Work.

Fran Callen
Drawing, Illustration, Mixed Media, Painting, Public Art, Teaching, Wall Work.

Tom Phillips