Image: ART WORKS Artist & Writer in Residence 2022 Kate Kurucz and Eleanor Scicchitano in the City of Adelaide ArtPOD. Photograph Sam Roberts.
Guildhouse is calling for expressions of interest from South Australian artists and writers to undertake a paid collaborative residency program.
The ArtPOD collaborative Artist and Writer Residencies is the flagship offerings of ART WORKS, an exhibition and residency program delivered by Guildhouse in partnership with the City of Adelaide. Applicants may express their interest through a duo application (writer and artist) or individual applications, allowing Guildhouse to determine the pairing in residency. Each writer and each artist will receive $2,500 per residency.
Applications open: Tuesday 29 March 2022
Applications close: Monday 2 May 2022, 9am ACST (Adelaide time)
The combination of artist and writer in residency allows for the exploration of new methodologies, approaches and interactions between creatives, and the public. ArtPOD is a perfect opportunity to engage with audiences for feedback, developmental critique and for participation in new the formation of new works. The glass walled space invites dynamic, responsive works; providing a unique platform for engagement.
The residencies will be based at the City of Adelaide’s ArtPOD in the breezeway at 25 Pirie St, Adelaide. The Artist and Writer in Residence (AWIR) program will run alongside the ART WORKS Early Career Curator position. There will be regular meetings, feedback and discussion across these roles in the development of curatorial, exhibition and writing outcomes across multiple city-based sites.
We encourage interest from artist and writer teams with diverse creative practices. The residency affords opportunities for a breadth of public and audience engagements including exhibition, participatory or performative events, and critical dialogue. These outcomes will be led by the artist and writer, supported by the Early Career Curator and Guildhouse Programs team.
Proposals will need to respond to at least one element of the key strategic directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan:
- Thriving Communities
- Strong Economies
- Dynamic City Culture
- Environmental Leadership
We encourage interest from practitioners with diverse creative practices, a variety of approaches to undertaking the residency could be considered which may include but are not limited to:
- Artist and writer work collaboratively in the space on new or existing projects
- Artist and writer share the space, working largely independently but participate in critical engagement and discussion with each other and the early career curator to strengthen and extend their existing practices
- Artist and writer have some shared interests including techniques, materials, themes or concepts OR have diverse practices but are keen to work responsively
- Artist and writer explore storytelling across different mediums and viewpoints
Please note: Successful applicants will need to provide a COVID-19 vaccination certificate in accordance with City of Adelaide’s vaccine mandate.
Applications open: Tuesday 29 March 2022
Applications close: Monday 2 May 2022, 9am ACST (Adelaide time)
It has really kick started a new direction for me and it’s been invaluable to have the opportunity to speak and receive feedback about my work with such a broad demographic.
Particularly at a time where my practice is changing so much. I have gained new confidence in explaining my work to others – particularly non artists.
The ART WORKS residency created the time, the space, the inspiration to continue to draw upon my passion for collecting, curating and installation, but all in the service of the writing. It’s a genius Guildhouse idea to have a writer, two artists and curator all in residence at the same time, so they can create interconnected artworks, exhibitions and writing.
We are currently inviting applications from artist and writer teams for Residency Two & Three (4 months duration each):
Dates for the two artist and writer residencies are (please note Residency One has commenced):
- Residency Two: July 2022 to October 2022
- Residency Three: November 2022 to February 2023
The 2022 Artist and Writer in Residence program will involve the following:
- ArtPOD offers a highly visible studio/project exhibition space together with a self-contained working space, storage and access to amenities. Each AWIR will be supported with customised vinyl signage on the glass frontage to inform and engage audiences.
- Each AWIR will have dedicated use of ArtPOD throughout their residency period. ArtPOD is accessible between 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday. No weekend access is available.
- It is expected that the AWIR will have community-engaged practices and be comfortable working in a way that is highly visible to the public (exposure to some 2000 plus passers-by per day).
- The AWIR will develop an approach to capturing and responding to audience engagement and feedback.
- The AWIR will make regular use of the ArtPOD space, committing up to 2-3 days per week.
The AWIR must ensure a COVID safe approach, and where feasible engage with the public through a process of open sessions, workshops or talks at ArtPOD.
- Guildhouse is responsible for management of the Artist and Writer in Residence program and Guildhouse staff will have regular contact with the AWIR
- The AWIR will propose a program that could involve developing new work and/or working on existing projects. The AWIR will work together with the Early Career Curator on the outcomes of the residency which may involve exhibition or events at City of Adelaide venues including the ArtPOD, City Library, Adelaide Town Hall first floor foyer and Mankurri-api Kuu (Reconciliation Room).
Each Artist and Writer in Residence will receive a stipend of $2,500 (ex GST) ($5000 per pair) and will enter into an agreement with Guildhouse.
The ART WORKS ArtPOD residency will be undertaken by an Artist and Writer duo; applications are accepted from:
- Writer and Artist collaborative application
- Writer application (solo application, without a nominated artist, willing for Guildhouse to matchmake with an Artist applicant)
- Artist applicant (solo application, without a nominated artist, willing for Guildhouse to matchmake with a Writer applicant)
Guildhouse and the City of Adelaide Creative City Team will assess applications against the criteria below and will invite shortlisted applicants for interview in the week commencing 16 May. Please be sure you are eligible to apply, that your application addresses the criteria, and contains all required inclusions. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in mid-February 2022 to commence from 1 March 2022 onwards.
Please note: Applications must be submitted via the online application form. If you require the flexibility to apply in another way, please contact Guildhouse well in advance of the closing date. Late submissions will not accepted.
Criteria and Eligibility
- Proposals must explore at least one element of the key directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan
- New work will be created
- Audience development will be explored through collaboration and participation
- Cultural activity in the City of Adelaide will increase
- Outcomes must fall into the broad visual arts, craft and design sectors
- Applications will not be considered that denigrate or exclude any groups in the community
- Successful applicants will need to hold public liability insurance to the value of $20,000,000
Applications must include
- Your proposed project for the Artist and Writer in Residence.
- Outline how you will explore ONE element from the key directions identified in the City of Adelaide’s Strategic Plan.
- Outline of applicants’ reason for applying and expectations from the AWIR program.
- One consolidated PDF (2-4 pages) of collated biographies (max 150 words each) and CVs
- One consolidated PDF of max 15 pages of material which supports your practices e.g. high quality images of work, exhibition catalogue excerpts, reviews and published writings.
- Contact details for two referees
For any further information or queries contact: Samantha Faehrmann, Program Producer at Guildhouse
Telephone: 08 8410 1822
Applications close: Monday 2 May 2022, 9am