Call Outs
Honor Freeman, SALA Festival Art Gallery of South Australia (installation view), 2019. Photograph Saul Steed.
Guildhouse offers a range of opportunities throughout the year in the form of funded programs, mentorships, residencies, public art opportunities and more.
Call outs will be listed here as they open. Keep up to date by joining our mailing list.
Soft Hair and Woven Threads: Curator and Artist Talk
Monday 30 October 2023, 12:30–1:30pm Location: Adelaide Town Hall Pricing: Free, bookings essential (places are limited) Featuring: ART WORKS Early Career Curator Chira Grasby with exhibiting artist Jaquie Hagan and current ART WORKS Artist in Residence Callum...
Statement from the Board and CEO on the Voice.
Image: The Uluru Statement. Source: Facebook / The Uluru Statement from the HeartThe Board and CEO of Guildhouse are proud to support the Uluru Statement From the Heart and its call for Voice, Treaty and Truth. We are grateful to live, work and create on what was, is...
Call Out – The Guildhouse Collections Project: Flinders University Museum of Art 2024
Image: Installation view: The Guildhouse Collections Project: After the Fall, featuring Kate O’Boyle, There's something about Mary, Mother wound, 2022, digital video, colour, sound, image; PPE COVID gowns, cotton thread, 450.0 x 900.0 cm, photograph Sia Duff.The...