Tue 08 August 2017 6pm – 7.30

Pricing: All: Free

Location: Room 12, Level 6, Hawke Building, UniSA City West campus (enter via Samstag lobby)

Presenter: Jane Eastwood and Owen Leong, Australia Council for the Arts. James Boyd, Creative Partnerships Australia State Manager, WA & SA

Bookings are no longer available.

Looking to help fund a project, explore career development opportunities or International residencies?

The Australia Council for the Arts grants model supports skills and career development, the creation and presentation of new work by a diverse range of artists and artistic practices. Learn more about the grants and opportunities on offer in the upcoming October 2017 round. What makes a strong and competitive application and the type of projects Australia Council is funding. This session is presented by representatives from the Australia Council for the Arts.

Maximise your fundraising efforts, boost your revenue, enhance your capabilities

Whether you’re an independent artist, arts group, or an arts organisation, Creative Partnerships offer funding programs to maximise your fundraising efforts, boost your revenue, enhance your capabilities, and connect with your audiences more effectively. James Boyd will speak to the funding opportunities through the MATCH Lab and Plus 1 programs as well as the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) which enables artists and groups to setup tax deductible donations.

*This session is FREE for members and non/members but booking is essential to reserve your place.