Craft Skills Workshops

Masuma Akther teaching Bangladeshi Quilt Embroidery. Photograph Richard Humphrys.

The Guildhouse Traditional Craft Skills Workshop program provides the opportunity for participants to learn traditional craft skills from a range of cultures.

The workshops bring together culturally and linguistically diverse craftspeople with contemporary creative professionals and local community members to share and pass on new skills.

Since its inception in 2010 the program has been delivered to more than 600 people in 60 communities in metropolitan Adelaide and regional centres in South Australia. There is potential to extend the program to include more craft methods and expand the delivery to more communities in metropolitan Adelaide and regional centres.

The below short film documents the impact the Guildhouse Traditional Craft Skills Workshop Program has made.

We are very proud that the program has been awarded the 2016 Governor’s Multicultural Award for Arts and Culture. The award was presented by His Excellency the Governor The Honourable Hieu Van Le AO at Government House in March 2016.

The ‘slow methods’ characteristic of many traditional craft techniques allow for an exchange of stories and ideas between teachers and participants that has aided settlement and cross-cultural understanding. The workshops create valuable opportunities for community connection and participation that celebrate and value cultural diversity, increasing understanding and acceptance throughout the communities it touches.

The program has proven to be a fulfilling experience for all involved, and demand for this style of workshop is strong. It is successful in extending professional development opportunities for creative practitioners, both workshop leaders and participants.

Masuma Akther and Kay Lawrence work on display as part of The Third Space Exhibition.

How to Participate

The Traditional Craft Skills workshop is a fee for service program. Guildhouse organises and facilitates the delivery of these workshops through local councils, community organisations and other organisations wanting to deliver these programs. Guildhouse can create a customised program to fit the requirements of your organisation.

For more details, costings or to discuss creating a customised program for delivery in your community, please contact us directly.

If you are interested in hearing about upcoming workshops please let us know via and we will add you to the relevant mailing list.

Past Traditional Skills Workshop Programs

Craftsouth Traditional Craftskills Project Workshops

Craftsouth Traditional Craftskills Project Workshops

Sat 01 January 2011 - Tue 02 November 2010 Location: Various locations Presenter: Abuyo Omot Gilo, Masuma Akther, Tania Hassan, Milete-Tsega Ogbalidet, Lady Narvaez Penoloza, Razija Beganovic Bookings are no longer available. As part of the Craftsouth Traditional...

Traditional Craft Skills 2010

Traditional Craft Skills 2010

Guildhouse was pleased to present the Traditional Craft Skills workshop program, a wonderful opportunity for South Australian artists and community members to connect with craft practitioners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (notably refugees)....


UniSA Yungondi Gallery: John Foubister

UniSA Yungondi Gallery: John Foubister

Image: John Foubister, Birds and flowers near a bush giving a peace sign, 2019/20, oil paint on board, photograph Michael Kluvanek.Creativity and collaboration are at the heart of innovation. Since 2018 UniSA Business has partnered with Guildhouse to present works by...

Wall-to-Wall: Access2Arts

Wall-to-Wall: Access2Arts

Image: John 'Bundy' Bannerman, Venomous, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 152cm, image courtesy the artist. Image description: A painting depicting a central image of multiple large Sturt Desert Pea flowers in white, red and pink colours surrounded by smaller red Sturt...