Strengthen your practice.
reVision is an online program thoughtfully curated to deepen connections, strengthen your practice and grow your skills in these ever-changing times.
Work with tech mentors, meet with and hear from a host of globally relevant speakers – in ways that are best suited to you.
reVision Tech Mentorship Program
Complementing the speaker series, the reVision Tech Mentorship Program enables artists to grow skills where they’re needed most, particularly within areas of video and editing, VR, design software, social media and digital marketing and analytics, website development and online sales and brand development.
The Guildhouse reVision program has generous seed funding from the Day Family Foundation.
The program was developed in 2020, with support from the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and Creative Partnerships Australia.

James Dodd
Built Environment, Installation, Outdoor, Painting, Public Art, Sculpture, Teaching, Wall Work.

Fran Callen
Drawing, Illustration, Mixed Media, Painting, Public Art, Teaching, Wall Work.

Tom Phillips