In Real Terms: Tax Prep with The Real Thiel

In Real Terms: Tax Prep with The Real Thiel

Image: Lauren Thiel. Photograph: Katherine Schultz Photography. Wednesday 27 May, 2 pm Pricing: Free Location: Online via webinar Presenter: Chartered Accountant Lauren Thiel Bookings Closed Preparing your tax can be difficult to wrap your head around if you...
ART WORKS Writer in Residence: Susan Charlton

ART WORKS Writer in Residence: Susan Charlton

This is the third year of the ART WORKS program, which delivers on the City’s Cultural Strategy 2016-23 for Adelaide to be recognised as a cultural incubator where people, enterprises and audiences flourish. Writer in Residence Susan Charton will engage with the ART...
Monthly Advice Bank: June

Monthly Advice Bank: June

Tuesday 2 June, 10 am – 2 pm Pricing: Free for Guildhouse financial members Location: Phone or video conference Presenter: Guildhouse Executive Officer Victoria Bowes and Artistic Programs Manager Debbie Pryor Book Here COVID-19 Update To ensure the safety of our...
The Collections Project: Michael Kutschbach

The Collections Project: Michael Kutschbach

Image: Michael Kutschbach, fuliguline, HD digital video still, 2021. Photograph courtesy the artist. View the Exhibition Catalogue Michael Kutschbach fuliguline The Guildhouse Collections Project with Adelaide Symphony Orchestra presented in partnership with Adelaide...
CATAPULT 2020 Call Out

CATAPULT 2020 Call Out

We are thrilled to offer the third round of the Catapult mentorship program, with multiple mentorships available at $10,000 and $5,000 for South Australian artists, craftspeople and designers. Generously funded by visionary philanthropic organisation, The Ian Potter...