Catapult 2022 Recipients

Catapult 2022 Recipients

Guildhouse is thrilled to announce that 16 diverse visual artists, craftspeople and designers will be supported through the 2022 Guildhouse Catapult mentorship program. Catapult provides South Australian artists with the critical funding and support they need to...
CATAPULT 2022: Call Out

CATAPULT 2022: Call Out

Image: 2020 Catapult mentee James Howe with mentor Gray Hawke. Photograph Sia Duff. Building on from many years of successful mentorship programs, this current round of Catapult continues a focus on applications that will provide a long lasting impact on the career of...
CATAPULT + Tarnanthi 2020: Christina Gollan

CATAPULT + Tarnanthi 2020: Christina Gollan

Image: Tarnanthi 2021, Christina Gollan ceramic installation, Art Gallery of South Australia, Catapult mentorship program. Photograph Saul Steed The Catapult + Tarnanthi 2020 mentorship sees Kaurna, Boandik and Ngarrindjeri artist Christina Gollan undertake mentorship...
Catapult 2021 Recipients

Catapult 2021 Recipients

Catapult 2021 sees 8 exceptional South Australian artists undertaking $5,000 mentorships to expand and investigate their practice with nationwide mentors. Catapult provides South Australian artists, craftspeople and designers with the essential funding and support...
Spotlight: Sarra Tzijan on Catapult

Spotlight: Sarra Tzijan on Catapult

Sarra Tzijan is an emerging Indian-Australian contemporary metal artist. She has been working with mentor jeweller and metalsmith Christian Hall to develop her technical and conceptual skills and establish her production practice. We interviewed Sarra about what it’s...
CATAPULT 2021 Call Out

CATAPULT 2021 Call Out

We are thrilled to offer the fourth round of the Catapult mentorship program, with multiple mentorships at $5,000 available for South Australian artists, craftspeople and designers. Thanks to a new partnership with Country Arts SA, two of these mentorships have been...