reVision symposium: utopian future

reVision symposium: utopian future Session 3: Saturday 13 November 2021, 3pm Speakers: Jamie Lewis (VIC), Catherine Truman (SA), Joel Spring (NSW) Chair: Andy Butler (VIC) Andy Butler shapes a conversation questioning traditional modes of engagement and delivery in...

reVision symposium: ambition and momentum

reVision symposium: ambition and momentum Session 1: Saturday 13 November 2021, 11am Speakers: Honor Freeman (SA), Maree Clarke (VIC), Salote Tawale (NSW).  Chair: Hannah Presley (VIC) Three artists discuss how they feed ambition and continue momentum despite changing...
The Collections Project: Kasia Tons

The Collections Project: Kasia Tons

Image: Kasia Tons, Citrus skin balaclava, 2022, dried citrus skin, cotton, cotton canvas, beeswax, 19 x 19 x 19 cm (irreg). Photograph Emmaline Zanelli. The Collections Project Kasia TonsBiotic Commune Presented in partnership with The Botanic Gardens and State...