UniSA Business: Yungondi Gallery
Creativity and collaboration are at the heart of innovation.
UniSA Business has partnered with Guildhouse to present works by contemporary South Australian artists to encourage reflection and inspire new ideas.
UniSA Yungondi Exhibition Series

John Foubister
Seen and Thought
John Foubister produces paintings and drawings developed from his interest in philosophy, the role of the imagination in creating realities, and from a love of nature.

Callum Docherty
Collages: Collected Constructions
Callum presents a series of collages creating during the covid lockdown, using materials such as discarded books, magazines and journals.
Roy Ananda
Excerpts from ‘The Pale Dossier’
Roy Ananda is a visual artist, writer, and educator practicing on Kaurna Country (Tarndanya/Adelaide Plains). His objects, installations, drawings, collages, and texts variously celebrate popular culture, play, process, and the very act of making.
Simone Kennedy
Changeling a, c & b, The Pulchritudinous (beautiful) Fly
In Simone Kennedy’s studio-based practice she works with several interconnected themes, the translation of ‘self’, the brain, a symbolic mother figure and the common housefly.
Jennifer Mathews
spout barrel peel
Jennifer Mathews is a sculpture and installation artist based in South Australia. Her recent projects explore human dominion over the non-human, the architectural impulse to measure and contain, and the impact of technological advances on our relationships with the organic world.

Lisa Vertudaches
A collection of works that touch on the theme of connection, either with ourselves, our relationships or our communities.
Louise Flaherty
Plants and Plant Carers
An exhibition of recent works over the past few years including Resurface and a selection of Plant Carer drawings by Louise Flaherty.
Michael Carney
The Persistence of Nature
Contemporary artist michael Carney presents a series of forest scenes with tranquil melancholy and underlying unease, creating a layered emotional experience.
Max Ballard
Contemporary artist Max Ballard presents a series of paintings exploring structure and composition within snapshots from his everyday life.

Jay Lord
Elizabeth Close
Steph Fuller

Fran Callen
Selected Works
A selection of works by Fran Callen, documenting personal and family relationships with domestic spaces and their impact on the natural world.
Donovan Christie
Selected Works
A selection of works by Donovan Christie that focus on capturing and immortalising the nostalgic urban landscape as it slowly fades.
Brad Darkson
Tremendously very very very beautiful
Brad Darkson’s work Tremendously very very very beautiful encourages a reflection on preconceived notions surrounding Aboriginal art, and in doing so highlights the diversity and complexity of Aboriginal culture and experience.
Brooke Walker
Our Great Barrier Reef
The ‘Great Barrier Reef’ series discusses the state of our oceans due to pollution and climate change. Single use plastics are a convenience item that society has become accustomed to using with only recently founded action to consider the long term environmental impacts.

James Dodd
The exhibition Transformer is part of the Painting Mill project, and has been presented in a number of forms since 2015. It has grown out of my interest in simple machines and how they might be considered within a visual art context.
Jess Taylor
Good Mother
Jess Taylor explores her fascination with fictional horror primarily through digital methods of making. Using her own image and body exclusively, Taylor’s work presents transgressive and repressed feminine experiences, reflecting womanhood as complex and contradictory.
Alice Blanch
Gentle A Path
Gentle A Path is an exhibition of photographic works exploring the humble gestures of the Ngangkiparingka Onkaparinga River. The artwork stems from observing and contemplating the quiet fluidity of the river in its passage over the land; the elements of earth and water are seamlessly balancing and equally compromising to allow for the continuous existence of the other.

Laura Wills
Planting Plants
Planting Plans is a selection of recent map drawings by Laura Wills. The works reference plant properties and botanical drawings, and explore food diversity and food plant relationships.
Alice Potter
Parent Guilt Yo
In the days after her second child was born, and feeling pangs of responsibility and failing, contemporary jeweller and artist Alice Potter constructed a survey on the theme of parental guilt. The artworks in Potter’s installation were made as a direct response to quotes taken from the survey analytics asking over 100 mothers and fathers of new and older children to reflect on the theme.
Tom Borgas
Tom Borgas’ suite of sculptural sketches fuse the language of digital media with the intimacy of analogue materials and processes.
Arlon Hall
Up Over Down Out In Around
The work presented explores a level of vulnerable experimentation from Hall. In contrast to the emphasis on clean lines and shapes present in his previous works, he has delved deeper into exploring intuitive mark-making, with the indecisive lines mimicking the trajectory of an artist’s practice.

Nathan Finch
With All The Travail
Often unable to put these emotions into words, Finch uses his works as a tool to translate the complex responses we have to living. The works serve as an interpretation to the gritty complexities of the human condition, increasingly encountered in day-to-day life in an ever-connected world.
Lucia Dohrmann
Pattern and Repetition
“I have undertaken a strategy of limiting myself to using the raw materials of artists’ canvas and paint, employing unconventional painting processes to these. My honours body of work consists of abstract paintings that emphasis materiality and process. They have been constructed by unravelling the canvas, crocheting these unravelled threads and hand stitching and weaving. These traditional skills were taught to me as a child by my mother and have become part of my visual language.” – Lucia Dohrmann.

Images (L-R): Tom Borgas, Image/Objects (installation view), photograph courtesy UniSA; John Foubister, Birds and flowers near a bush giving a peace sign, 2019/20, oil paint on board, photograph Michael Kluvanek; Roy Ananda, Excerpts from ‘The Pale Dossier’, installation view, photograph Lana Adams; Lisa Vertudaches, Connection (installation view), 2023, photograph Lana Adams; Elizabeth Close, Take Nothing; Leave Nothing (installation view), 2022, photograph Lana Adams; Brad Darkson, Tremendously very very very beautiful (installation view), 2021, photograph Guildhouse; Jess Taylor, The Consumate Ruin (installation view), 2018. Image courtesy the artist; Alice Potter, installation image of exhibition Parent Guilt Yo, 2019. Photograph Guildhouse; Nathan Finch, installation image of exhibition With All The Travail, 201, photograph Guildhouse.